When a Rose is Not Just a Rose

Camille Cusumano – “Three things happened to me a little over a year ago that corrected and changed the course of my life. In overlapping succession, I had a dream in which a rose appeared in my hand; two, I met Dr. Howard Teich, an archetypal psychotherapist and author of Solar Light, Lunar Light; and, three, we agreed to exchange dance lessons for his interpreting of my dreams.”

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Article on Spirit Crossing

How to Produce Joy: The Union of Psyche & Eros
This is the first in a series of three essays on the ancient and urgent wisdom of mythology. Archetypal psychologist Howard Teich, Ph.D, author of Solar Light, Lunar Light, guides us through the journey of Psyche and Eros, explains our need for the God Particle and more, all through a ground-breaking new lens—that of “solar-lunar consciousness.”

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