Eros & Psyche Series

How to Produce Joy : The Myth of Eros & Psyche

A series of three essays on the ancient and urgent wisdom of mythology. Archetypal psychologist Howard Teich, Ph.D, guides us through the journey of Psyche and Eros, explains our need for the God Particle and more, all through a ground-breaking new lens—that of “solar-lunar consciousness.”  

Part 1 : Evolving Toward Wholeness

A Higgs boson walks into a church. The priest says, “Hey, get out, you’re not allowed in here.” The Higgs boson replies, “But ...

Part 2 : Solar-Lunar, not Masculine-Feminine

Before I continue with the myth of Psyche and Eros and how the story points the way for us to attain happiness and joy,...

Part 3 : Psyche’s Journey to a union with Eros

This is the third and final essay on the archetypal wisdom of mythology. Archetypal psychologist Howard Teich, Ph.D, author...